May 19, 2013

Gallimaufry 1

And, we're back.


Now that hurricane and blizzard seasons are officially overwith I feel like getting back to normal.

Most of what I'll be posting in the coming weeks will be crossword puzzles that I've made over the past four years but never posted due some fatal flaw I thought they had at the time. I've been able to re-do an area here and a corner there to fix old wrongs. For the most part.

First up, a themeless freestyle gallimaufry.


A coupla years ago, I was interested in coming up with grids that were asymetrical yet aesthetically pleasing. This one worked much better when I tried it as a 19x19, but I never completed the fill in that one. Ah, well.

Across Lite:
Click to solve.

Posted by Tuning Spork at May 19, 2013 04:24 AM | TrackBack
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