January 16, 2012

Caveat Emptor


The good thing about making up your own quote is that you can tailor it to split evenly for the grid.


And, being a quote puzzle, I made this one nice n' easy. I think.

Across Lite:
Click to solve.

Posted by Tuning Spork at January 16, 2012 03:51 AM | TrackBack

I liked this one. SW I had to Google Patti Smith, and came up with ELEGIE. Oh well. Why I really posted is that I loved!!! your themeless #12, but the comments link didn't work. Also, my wife says that bananas do not start to go bad before they ripen. I'm not sure, as I'm not a fan of bananas. Thanks for your puzzles.

Posted by: Doug at January 28, 2012 07:17 PM

Thanks, Doug!

The banana line is just a joke, of course. :-)

I close comments on older posts because, if I don't, they get inundated with spam comments. I may look into installing something like BEQ's type-the-following-letter-sequence to enter the comment, but I'm a little wary of adding that additional step.

P.S. You're right. I just checked my CD and it is "Elegie". D'oh! I could swear that the original LP lists it as "Elegy", but I'm prolly wrong. Ah, foggy memories...

Posted by: Tuning Spork at January 30, 2012 10:04 PM
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