The Emperor has penned a hilarious account of his first visit to a McDonald's that opened up way back when he was in the olde country. Reading McDonald's described by someone who hadn't grown up with it is a pretty bewildering and eye-popping experience in and of itself. Beverage alert!
And, I tried to write part deux of my previous post -- how I got the envelopes to run through the press -- but a blow-by-blow account of the miracle working was too tedious a read even for me. So, instead, I'll write a short discription of the weird apparata (word?) that I assembled.... tomorrow, after I actually run the job. And you'll get to find out if all actually worked out.
And when will autumn get here? My room is a frickin' sauna.
Posted by Tuning Spork at August 7, 2005 07:23 PM | TrackBack